Thursday, March 28, 2019

Juvenile Delinquent Gangs :: essays research papers

Juvenile Delinquent GangsAs a tiddler I could remember walking to school every day. While on the way to school there was always a group of kids sanding impertinent of the school walking away(predicate). These kids dressed differently and they all whore the aforesaid(prenominal) type of clothes. It wasnt until years later that I was told to stay away from them because they were gangsters. They were gangsters that caused problems to the community. These gangsters would go up to kids and try and jump them into their gang. For them the more members they had the more soil they had. One problem that major cities around the world have is gangs. roughly of these gangs argon made up of many juvenile delinquents looking for trouble. These gangs lean to string up out in certain places and claim it as their territory. galore(postnominal) of the gang members are drawn together by similar interests, and are brought up in similar neighborhoods. The Social Disorganization PerspectiveThe s ocietal disorganisation perspective follows the substance users to their living era and environs. Social disorganization perspective examines wherefore individuals more from one environment to an opposite and how they peel to adjust to new environment, and how they are lured or forced into substance user, deviance, or shepherds crook activity in the face of difficulty from the new environment or due to their individual maladjustments.On the other hand it studies how a particular environment causes stress, disillusion, and disorders among individuals who live in it, and why substance abuse, deviance, crime, and other favorable problems tend to increase in a time when or in a place where change occurs abruptlySocial gradeMost of the gang members that have been reported come from the lower societal economical class. When these kids are out in the streets they have nothing bring out to do so they begin go commit delinquent behavior. Since these economically challenged kids have no money to go anywhere they tend to hang round their neighbor hood. These kinds of groups encourage each other to commit criminal activity. Since they feel that if one does it all of them can do it too. DrugsAccording to the social disorganization perspective gang members do drugs because they are forced into a substance. Drug offences are a common substance that is used and treat in gangs. Most people and kids that do drugs are because of peer pressure. Others reasons why gang members do drugs are because the environment that they are in forces the to do drugs to fit in.

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